Exercise 3
Python Programming II
- Goal: Data processing
Dataframe, operations of soring/replace/rename/find/missing value, column/row manipulations
- Readings
Machine Learning with Python Cookbook 2nd, by Kyle Gallatin and Chris Albon, O'Reilly, 2023. Free O'Reilly Learning by FJU ID
Chapter 3 Data Wrangling
Reference: Python最強入門邁向頂尖高手之路: 王者歸來 (第2版),洪錦魁,2020 URL 輔大圖書館 HyRead電子書
Reference: Python Python 完整教學 (2023) Youtube
- Report: Create a separate web page with
no more than 1000 words (in Chinese or English)
a lot of pictures of your Python program. Those pictures are captured from your computer screen.
- Requirement: a separate web page that you
Write the goal of this assignment
Paste the practiced python codes you write
Upload code output results into your report web page. Explain the results of the output results
Discuss bug/difficulty that you encountered, and the way how you solve the bug/difficulty.
Give references of this assignment (teacher's readings, your search and readings)
- Submit the web address of your web pages to Microsoft Teams.